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Credit Agreement Soft Call

Credit Agreement Soft Call: What You Need to Know

When you sign a credit agreement, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in the agreement. This includes the repayment schedule and the interest rate that you will be charged for the duration of the agreement. However, there may come a time when you want to renegotiate the terms of the agreement, and this is where the concept of a soft call comes into play.

What is a Soft Call?

A soft call is a clause in a credit agreement that allows the lender to contact the borrower and discuss potential changes or alterations to the agreement. The lender initiates the call and presents the borrower with a proposed change to the agreement. The borrower can either accept the new terms or reject them and continue with the original agreement.

Why Would a Lender Initiate a Soft Call?

There are several reasons why a lender may want to initiate a soft call with a borrower. The most common reason is that the lender may be concerned about the borrower`s ability to repay the loan. If the borrower is experiencing financial difficulties, the lender may want to renegotiate the terms of the agreement to make it easier for the borrower to make the payments.

Another reason for a soft call is that the lender may have identified a potential problem with the agreement itself. For example, the interest rate may be too high compared to current market conditions, or the repayment schedule may not be feasible for the borrower. In these cases, the lender may want to make changes to the agreement to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the terms.

What Are the Benefits of a Soft Call?

A soft call can be beneficial for both the lender and the borrower. For the borrower, a soft call may result in more favorable terms, such as a lower interest rate or a longer repayment schedule. This can make it easier for the borrower to make the payments on time and avoid defaulting on the loan.

For the lender, a soft call can help to reduce the risk of default. By renegotiating the terms of the agreement, the lender can ensure that the borrower is able to make the payments and that the loan will be repaid in full.

In addition, a soft call can help to improve the relationship between the lender and the borrower. By showing that they are willing to work with the borrower to find a mutually beneficial solution, the lender can build trust with the borrower and establish a positive long-term relationship.


A credit agreement soft call can be a useful tool for both lenders and borrowers. By allowing for renegotiation of the terms of the agreement, a soft call can help to reduce the risk of default and improve the relationship between the parties. If you are a borrower and are experiencing financial difficulties, or if you believe that the terms of your agreement are not favorable, it may be worth contacting your lender to discuss the possibility of a soft call.