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Treaty of Versailles Agreements Made

The Treaty of Versailles, signed on June 28, 1919, marked the end of World War I. It was intended to establish peace and prevent future conflicts by outlining the terms of peace between Germany and the Allied Powers.

The treaty included several agreements made by the participating nations, including territorial changes, disarmament, war guilt, and reparations. Here are some of the key agreements made in the Treaty of Versailles:

Territorial Changes

Germany lost significant portions of its territory, including Alsace-Lorraine to France, Eupen-Malmédy to Belgium, and its overseas colonies. Poland was also re-established as an independent country after more than a century of foreign rule.


The treaty forced Germany to significantly reduce its military forces and to limit its naval size. Germany was also prohibited from conscripting soldiers and creating a military draft.

War Guilt

One of the most controversial provisions of the treaty was the inclusion of Article 231, which placed full responsibility for the war on Germany and its allies. The article stated that Germany must accept responsibility for all the loss and damage that the Allied Powers had suffered as a result of the war.


Germany was forced to pay reparations to the Allied Powers to compensate for the damage caused by the war. The amount was set at 132 billion gold marks, an enormous sum that would cause significant economic and political problems for Germany for many years.

The Treaty of Versailles was meant to establish lasting peace, but its terms were seen by many Germans as too harsh and unjust. The treaty led to resentment, economic chaos, and political instability in Germany, which eventually contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.

In conclusion, the Treaty of Versailles was a significant moment in world history. Its agreements set the stage for the post-war era, but the treaty`s harsh terms and provisions ultimately created problems that would lead to another world war. Still, the Treaty of Versailles remains an essential part of understanding the Great War and its aftermath.